Multi-Input Manager Module


MultiInputManager provides the following functions:

  • Manage input events on multiple platforms
  • Provide a unified callback interface for basic input events on multiple platforms, for instance, gestures on HoloLens and keyboard/mouse operations on PC.
  • Set callback methods for Navigation gesture and Manipulation gesture respectively on HoloLens and switch they if necessary.
  • Integrate XBOX game controller input, and mapping some control to common input. (Button A as Air Tap, left stick as manipulation, and right stick as navigation)

Please refer to the following procedure to create a demo app

Prepare Your Project

  • Create a Unity project and set it up accordingly for HoloLens apps (refer to doc "Configure Your Project" ).

  • Set up METoolkit modules (refer to doc "Integrated METoolkit").

  • Confirm to check Input module in HoloEntrance.

  • Create a Cube object and place it in a position where the camera can capture.

Set Layer Mask

You can use layer mask to tell InputManager which layers should interactive.

You can also set layer mask with code.

inputManager.layerMask = LayerMask.GetMask("Default") | LayerMask.GetMask("UI");

Bind the Callback

Now we test the the binding of callback function, using Click and Navigation as an example.

  • Create an object in Hierarchy view named "App"
  • Add a new module named "InputSample" to the "App" object, and save.
  • Open the "InputSample" module to add the following codes:
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using DataMesh.AR;
using DataMesh.AR.Anchor;
using DataMesh.AR.Interactive;
public class InputSample : MonoBehaviour
    public Transform targetObject;
    private MultiInputManager inputManager;
    void Start()
        inputManager = MultiInputManager.Instance;
    private IEnumerator WaitForInit()
        MEHoloEntrance entrance = MEHoloEntrance.Instance;
        while (!entrance.HasInit)
            yield return null;
        // Todo: Begin your logic
    private void OnNavigationEnd(Vector3 delta)
        Debug.Log("Navigation End");
    private void OnNavigationStart(Vector3 delta)
        Debug.Log("Navigation Start");
    private void OnNavigationUpdate(Vector3 delta)
        Debug.Log("Navigation Update");
        targetObject.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), -delta.x);
    void OnTapped(int tapCount)
        Debug.Log("Tapped Event");
        targetObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.color = new Color(1, 0, 0);
    public void BindinputManager(bool bind)
        if (!bind)
            Debug.Log("unbind gesture");
            inputManager.cbTap -= OnTapped;
            inputManager.cbNavigationStart -= OnNavigationStart;
            inputManager.cbNavigationUpdate -= OnNavigationUpdate;
            inputManager.cbNavigationEnd -= OnNavigationEnd;
            Debug.Log("bind gesture");
            inputManager.cbTap += OnTapped;
            inputManager.cbNavigationStart += OnNavigationStart;
            inputManager.cbNavigationUpdate += OnNavigationUpdate;
            inputManager.cbNavigationEnd += OnNavigationEnd;
  • Drag the "Cube" in the scene to the "Target Object" Column of "InputSample" of "App" in the Hierarchy View.

  • Release the Project to HoloLens or start it directly in Unity.

    Note: If you run the app in Unity on PC, the Alt+J/K/L/I/U/O keys on PC would be mapped to the Navigation gesture on HoloLens. And if you have bound the Manipulation gesture, the corresponding keys on PC would be Shift+J/K/L/I/U/O.

    Note: if you uncheck Need Assist Key option in MultiInputManager, you can use J/K/L/I/U/O as Manipulation or Navigation , without Alt and Shift Key.

Switch between Navigation and Manipulation

The use of Manipulation is the same as that of Navigation. The difference is that the input parameters of Manipulation are the absolute displacement of user's hand in the real world.

Add the following codes in the "InputSample" script to options to switch to the Manipulation gesture.

public void BindinputManager(bool bind, bool isManipulation)
    if (!bind)
        Debug.Log("unbind gesture");
        inputManager.cbTap -= OnTapped;
        inputManager.cbNavigationStart -= OnNavigationStart;
        inputManager.cbNavigationUpdate -= OnNavigationUpdate;
        inputManager.cbNavigationEnd -= OnNavigationEnd;
        inputManager.cbManipulationEnd -= OnManipulationEnd;
        inputManager.cbManipulationStart -= OnManipulationStart;
        inputManager.cbManipulationUpdate -= OnManipulationUpdate;
        Debug.Log("bind gesture");
        inputManager.cbTap += OnTapped;
        if (!isManipulation)
            inputManager.cbNavigationStart += OnNavigationStart;
            inputManager.cbNavigationUpdate += OnNavigationUpdate;
            inputManager.cbNavigationEnd += OnNavigationEnd;
            inputManager.cbManipulationEnd += OnManipulationEnd;
            inputManager.cbManipulationStart += OnManipulationStart;
            inputManager.cbManipulationUpdate += OnManipulationUpdate;
private void OnManipulationEnd(Vector3 delta)
    Debug.Log("Manipulation End");
private void OnManipulationStart(Vector3 delta)
    Debug.Log("Manipulation End");
private void OnManipulationUpdate(Vector3 delta)

Use XBOX Game Controller


  • To use XBOX Game Controller, you need to add key mapping to Unity config Input

  • For convenience, we provide a complete Input set file, and you can copy it to you Unity project simply.

  • This file is located in this folder: %Unity_Project%/Assets/DataMesh/ARModule/Interactive/Config/InputManager.asset

  • you can copy it to this folder: %Unity_Project%/ProjectSettings/ , and overwrite the file with same name.
  • Note: if you have defined your own input key mapping, don't overwrite it directly, otherwise you will lose your configuration. Please merge them manually.

  • Connect your XBOX Game Controller to your HoloLens (or PC / other device) with Bluetooth.

  • if you want to use controller on PC, you can also use USB line to connect directly.

Use XBOX controller to simulate Air Tap and hand move

You don't need any code work. Once your connect the XBOX Controller to HoloLens, you can:

  • use Button A as Air Tap.
  • use left stick as Manipulation. (When you push left stick, Input system will switch to manipulation mode automatically).
  • use right stick as Navigation. (When you push left stick, Input system will switch to navigation mode automatically).

Use other key on XBOX controller

if you wan't to use other key and stick on XBOX controller, you can get all button and stick status in Update function of MonoBehaviour.

It's very similar as Input in UnityEngine.

 private void Update()
        if (inputManager == null)

        float ltaxis = inputManager.controllerInput.GetAxisLeftTrigger();
        float rtaxis = inputManager.controllerInput.GetAxisRightTrigger();

        float hAxis = inputManager.controllerInput.GetAxisLeftThumbstickX();
        float vAxis = inputManager.controllerInput.GetAxisLeftThumbstickY();

        float htAxis = inputManager.controllerInput.GetAxisRightThumbstickX();
        float vtAxis = inputManager.controllerInput.GetAxisRightThumbstickY();

        bool a = inputManager.controllerInput.GetButton(ControllerButton.A);
        bool b = inputManager.controllerInput.GetButton(ControllerButton.B);
        bool x = inputManager.controllerInput.GetButton(ControllerButton.X);
        bool y = inputManager.controllerInput.GetButton(ControllerButton.Y);
        bool lb = inputManager.controllerInput.GetButton(ControllerButton.LeftShoulder);
        bool rb = inputManager.controllerInput.GetButton(ControllerButton.RightShoulder);
        bool ls = inputManager.controllerInput.GetButton(ControllerButton.LeftThumbstick);
        bool rs = inputManager.controllerInput.GetButton(ControllerButton.RightThumbstick);
        bool view = inputManager.controllerInput.GetButton(ControllerButton.View);
        bool menu = inputManager.controllerInput.GetButton(ControllerButton.Menu);

        DebugText.text =
                "LeftStickX: {12:0.000} LeftStickY: {13:0.000}\n" +
                "RightStickX: {14:0.000} RightStickY: {15:0.000}\n" +
                "LTrigger: {0:0.000} RTrigger: {1:0.000}\n" +
                "A: {2} B: {3} X: {4} Y:{5}\n" +
                "LB: {6} RB: {7} LStick: {8} RStick:{9}\n" +
                "View: {10} Menu: {11}\n"
                ltaxis, rtaxis,
                a, b, x, y,
                lb, rb, ls, rs,
                view, menu,
                hAxis, vAxis,
                htAxis, vtAxis